In today’s world - it is a constant battle of our attention. There are so many distractions from emails, to social media, to trying to make the work-life-balance work, that most people feel overwhelmed. So when are you actually present in the current moment ?
One of the ways we always start our zoom calls and live events is asking people to give themselves the gift of being present. We love to have people switch off their phone and give us their full attention but do you know that it’s not only us that want your attention, it’s your partner, it’s your kids, it’s your friends, it’s anyone you are spending your time with.
They want you ! Not your money, not your work ethic but your undivided attention and it’s not fair that they have to fight for it and compete against so many other things.
Recently at a training we were asked a question from a new entrepreneur - he said he wanted to be all in with his business but his wife was feeling neglected; how could he make her feel differently ?
The key is this: schedule undivided attention with your partner give her/him the gift of your presence, no phones just quality time - plan something away from technology and be there in the moment.
Just because you switch your phone off for an hour doesn’t mean you are not all in with your business- you’ll be 100% focused during your business time. You’ll be surprised at how much better he/she will feel if you commit to a no phone time and plan something romantic.
When you are working on your business, switch off all the other distractions and give it your undivided attention. Network marketers have a bad reputation for always being glued to their phones and the truth is you don’t need to always be on the screen, you can still be available but let your team know what hours you will be working and be 100% available to them at that point.
You’ll be more productive away from the family and more efficient. A lot of people throw the word multitasking around a lot but it doesn’t really work; when most people try to do it in the end they end up just doing a bunch of tasks very average. It’s better to do less things well than a bunch of fairly average tasks.
If you schedule times to work on certain tests and during this time, have 100% focus you'll find you will be able to be much more effective and achieve much more I a shorter period of time.
The now is the only real time that counts. It has been said that many people live in the past, which is pointless since that cannot be changed, and many also live in the future and that is never promised. So the best thing to do is create memories by being in the moment.
Now in saying this we definitely don’t mean live only for the moment and don’t prepare for tomorrow; on the contrary if you are fully present during your meetings and give your work quality time it will be so much more productive.
If each person you meet with feels like they are the only thing that matters at that moment in time your business that you are building for tomorrow will thrive so being present today helps us build a stronger tomorrow.
Don’t focus so hard on future that you miss the joy and beauty in today. The best way to take care of future is to take care of present moment.
My father always worked really hard for us as kids but all he ever spoke about was money and business. It had is attention all the time and I know he was doing it for us but the memories I value the most is the time he spent with us away from his business. I wanted his presence, not his presents.
A friend of mine who had recently moved to London said to me, “Melanie it’s so hard to meet someone these days as everyone is just glued to their phone no one notices me.“
That’s a heart breaking statement and I made a commitment to spend less unproductive time on technology and start living in the present as noticing what’s going on in real life.
As Buddha says, “Be where you are. Otherwise you will miss your life. “
A great way to start being present is to have a look at your surroundings and become mindful of them and enjoy some appreciation and gratitude for what you have surrounding you.
It’s pretty much impossible to think two things at the same time so have thoughts about what’s happening right now.
Why not start a daily gratitude diary to bring you into the present? I have a little stone with the word gratitude that I keep next to my bed and it does wonders to bring me into the present and value what I have right now.